Akira Himekawa is a female manga artist duo consisting of two women, A. Honda and S. Nagano. They are best known for their work on the Legend of Zelda manga series, which was published from 1998 to 2008. The duo has been active since the mid-1990s, and they have created numerous works in the shōjo and shōnen genres.
Akira Himekawa made their debut in 1991 with the manga Tenshi no Tamago (Angel's Egg).
Their first major work was published in 1995, a shōjo manga called Ooedo wa Nemurenai! (Edo Never Sleeps!).
In 1998, they began working on the Legend of Zelda manga series, which gained them international recognition.
They have also worked on manga adaptations of various video games, including Star Fox, Astro Boy, and The Oracle of Seasons.
In addition to manga, they have also illustrated light novels and children's books.
Atsushi Ohkubo is a Japanese manga artist and writer who is best known for his work on the series Soul Eater and Fire Force.
Hiromu Arakawa is a Japanese manga artist and writer who is best known for her work on the popular series Fullmetal Alchemist.
Kohei Horikoshi is a Japanese manga artist and writer who is best known for his work on the series My Hero Academia.
A 10-volume manga adaptation of the popular Legend of Zelda video game series. The series follows the adventures of Link as he battles to save the land of Hyrule from evil forces.
A manga adaptation of the video game of the same name. The series follows the adventures of Link as he attempts to save the land of Hyrule from being engulfed by a parallel dimension known as the Twilight Realm.
A 23-volume manga adaptation of the classic anime series Astro Boy. The story follows the adventures of the robot boy Astro as he fights against evil forces threatening Earth.
Akira Himekawa is a female manga artist duo consisting of two women, A. Honda and S. Nagano. They are best known for their work on the Legend of Zelda manga series.
Akira Himekawa has created numerous works in the shōjo and shōnen genres, including Ooedo wa Nemurenai!, Star Fox, and The Oracle of Seasons.
Akira Himekawa's manga can be purchased at most major book retailers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Books-A-Million.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess manga is a manga adaptation of the video game of the same name. The series follows the adventures of Link as he attempts to save the land of Hyrule from being engulfed by a parallel dimension known as the Twilight Realm.
There are no anime adaptations of Akira Himekawa's manga at this time. However, there have been numerous adaptations of the video games that their manga is based on.